Supercharge Your Blog: Top 8 Blogging Cheats

Supercharge Your Blog

Would you like to become a pro at proofreading your own articles?

Have you ever considered repurposing your old content into new content?

Are you struggling to keep up with your blogging goals? Today, I wanted to share a list of blogging cheats – or blogging dynamite that I use to help with my goals. Check them out and make sure you are setting yourself up for success.

Top 8 Blogging Cheats

  1. Publish Your Articles at the Right Time

    Robin and I have tried 3 different days when publishing our blogging tips series. We have found 1 particular day that works best. Turns out, we’re not the only ones you will find publishing on this day. To see the best day of the week to publish, please see, Absolute Best Day of the Week to Publish a Blog Article.

    There is even research about which time of the day to publish your articles. The bottom line, Mondays at 9:00 am is what we’ve found to be the best time to publish articles.

  2. Proofreading Cheats

    Make sure you catch all those little typos by proofreading your own work well. There is a reason many writers have editors. Our brains actually work against us when it comes to proofreading. Often times when we read our own work, we read what we want it to say rather than what it does.

    That can make proofreading a pain. Some of my favorite proofreading tips are,

    • Read your article backwards,
    • Print out your article then proofread,
    • Walk away,
    • Give yourself time to edit and then proofread. Proofread comes after all the changes in the article have been and you are looking for grammatical errors.

      For more proofreading tips, please read 10 Tips on How to Proofread Your Blog Articles.

  3. Plan Ahead

    A couple of weeks ago, I sat at the library writing blog articles. The library was closing in one hour. So, I decided to take that time and plan out the next month’s worth of articles.

    Planning articles for me includes finding sources for each article. I am currently writing for four different blogs and the hour was plenty of time.

    Now heading into each week, I already know what I’m writing about. It has made blogging so much easier. I can wake up, drink some coffee, and start typing.

    Whether you are looking to keep an editorial calendar or just a simple running list of blog ideas, planning ahead is a great blogging cheat.

  4. Set Goals

    I am personally a super task orientate person. I love setting goals and I love accomplishing them even more. However, when it comes to goal setting, you have to set goals that you can actually accomplish.

    Remember that even a few steps towards your goal is better than standing still.

  5. Content Ideas

    Feeling stuck not knowing what to write about? Here is a list of 6 different types of content to help get the juices flowing.

    If you can keep in mind the question, “what sort of problems are my readers having?” and then answer that question in a blog article, you are all set.

  6. Become a Pro at Content Curation

    Curating content isn’t going anywhere, so make sure you do it like a pro. I really like the way Wikipedia defines content curation it,

    “Content curation is the process of collecting, organizing and displaying information relevant to a particular topic or area of interest.”

  7. Repurpose Your Own Content

    Repurpose your previously published content, especially the popular articles. Sometimes it can be hard to come up with new content. Those are great moments to take a look back and repurpose.

    Hubspot’s definition of repurpose content is really helpful. Either you are changing the format of the article or changing the target audience.

  8. Get Yourself a Blogging Routine

    Honestly, this is probably the best blogging cheat I can offer. It’s truly the key to me getting all the blog articles I write written.

    If I deviate from routine, I simply do not get what I need to get done. It’s that plain and simple.

    What I mean by routine is how I set up and start writing. For me there is a certain time of day and a certain way the coffee is made that is included into my routine.

    Closest nerd confession alert: I just finished the 5th book in the Game of Thrones series called Dancing with Dragons. Yes, I know what happens next to Jon Snow, Tyrion, Daenerys and much more.

    The reason I bring it up though, is because Daenerys or rather Dany, as she refers to herself in the books, has this saying she says to herself. Honestly, when I start my routine today, I said it to myself.

    “If I look back I’m lost”.

    Sometimes it’s hard to get started, and that is why having a routine is so helpful.

Over to You

Do you have a favorite blogging cheat on this list or one that you would like to add? Please let me know in the comment section below.

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  1. Great article Christine!

    My tip for getting your article written is to plan it out the night before, write it in the morning before any other distractions (I write with the internet turned off), then leave it until that night and proof read it.

    I usually do this on a Sat/Sun to post on a Monday. It is amazing how leaving some time before proof reading helps your article.

    Cheers, Ian.

    1. Hi Ian,

      Thank you SO much!

      Turning off the internet is such a great idea and one that I’ve never thought about before. I also like your tip for proofreading that night. I think I’m going to try both of these tips. 🙂

      Thank you so much for sharing! I hope you have a wonderful day. 🙂

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