5 Secrets that Will Turn You into a Blogging Trailblazer

Exclusive Secrets

Do you desire to be a leader?

If there were a few easy steps to launch you as a leader, would you do it?

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hello and happy Tuesday everyone! Last Wednesday, we had our first softball game. Yes, even though I have no experience playing softball, I am on a softball team with a bunch of future physical therapists – who are all somehow really good at softball.

We headed into the game without a chosen leader. Once the game got underway, we quickly realized the importance of having a leader. My friend kept saying, “We have too many chiefs, and not enough Indians”. I had no idea what she was talking about, so I made her explain. She said that we needed one person to call out the shots.

I was on a team with a bunch of type A, hardworking, future doctors and we still needed someone to step up to be a trailblazer. I’ve noticed that natural born leaders are rare. Many of the leaders I’ve followed or known are leaders, not because life somehow nominated and bestowed this honor, but rather they worked for it.

So, how do we become trailblazers especially in a field like blogging? Here are 5 little secrets that will help to launch you as a blogging trailblazer.

  1. Make The Choice
    Being a trailblazer of the blogging world and really just in general is going to be hard work. We may try and fail a hundred times before we succeed. If we want to be trailblazers, we need to make the choice to do it, to never give up, and get up every time we fall down.

    My Dad describes it as, “It’s like if I told you I would show up tomorrow at that tree with $100,000,000 for you. Would anything keep you from showing up?”

    Sometimes making the choice is all you need.

  2. Be Honest With Yourself
    This one is really tough, but super critical. One reason I think many people become leaders is because they know where they are particularly skilled and where they are not. We are not perfect in every aspect of our job – and that’s okay. Know your strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Speak Up
    I remember is school being terrified to raise my hand and answer a question just in case I got it wrong. The truth is that I will get the answer wrong sometimes, but sometimes I’ll get it right.
  4. Do Your Research
    This means staying on top of or ahead of the latest information in your nitche. It means seeking out what your readers are looking for. Don’t be afraid to make time in your schedule for researching. You can even pour yourself a glass of wine and hop into the bathtub while you research.
  5. Trust Yourself
    You will work hard and you will succeed.

The biggest secret is passion. If you have passion, something that burns a fire in your belly – run with it.

Tell me, are trailblazers born or made?

5 Secrets that Will Turn You into a Blogging Trailblazer

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  1. Mallie Hart says:

    Great article, Christine. If you don’t write and post with intent, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Sometimes intent involves a dissenting opinion. You might get called/chewed out for that dissenting opinion. But it’s a conversaton and it generates more connection and engagement than silence!

    1. Mallie,
      Thank you so much! I agree you can learn so much from a good conversation, especially when there is dissenting opinons. Thank you for sharing.

  2. I think it depends on a factor of things. They are born yet they are also a product of their environment.

    “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.” -William Shakespeare

    1. Sebastian,
      I love the quote. Yes, you are so right, some people just have that natural way of trailblazing. Thanks for sharing.

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