Blog Articles Evaluation: What Worked and What Didn’t Work

Blog Articles Evaluation: What Worked and What Didn’t Work

Have you ever had a blog article work well with you readers that you didn’t expect to work?

Today, I wanted to look at 6 blog articles that I’ve written this past year that are actually some of my favorites. I wanted to reflect and review what worked and what didn’t work.

It’s a funny thing with favorites. You put thought, time, effort and heart into each article. You get excited about a post that you’ve created and do not know if it will be well received by your audience. Sometimes, what you think is going to be a big hit isn’t, and what you didn’t think would work, does.

Blog Articles Evaluation

Here are some of my favorite articles with a brief evaluation of each one.

  1. Never, Ever Give Up on a Dream
    This was one of those articles that I didn’t expect to do well. It was super personal and very cathartic to write. The response from this article was huge. Readers responded to the struggle. Readers responded to the personal aspect.
  2. 7 Tips on Writing Easy to Read Articles
    I loved writing this article and I love referring back to it. This has been a cornerstone article for me. I am very passionate about keeping blog articles easy to write and I think that passion has set me a part as a blog writer.
  3. A Change of Perspective
    A Change of Perspective was the spring board to a great article series, Life Lessons of Toddlerhood. It was one of the first times I opened up about my little lady and how she found beauty in a weed.
  4. The Kind of Blogging Tips You Want To Know – FOR FREE
    This article was inspired by the idea that people like free stuff and free information. However, it did not get the kind of response that I had expected. The tips came from a review after I had been blogging for about 6 months.
  5. Blogging Tips – Let’s Get Personal
    Another cornerstone of my stance as a blog writer to keep things personal without over sharing. This blog article did as well as I hoped it would. Not only that, but it was also an inspiration for many other articles.
  6. Life Lessons From Toddlerhood
    I know, this isn’t just one article, but rather a series. Every second Tuesday of each month, I have been writing articles that are inspired by my little lady. These articles inspire me personally as well and they are such a pleasure to write. Here are all our Life Lesson From Toddlerhood articles to date:

It helps to stop and analyze your blog articles from time to time. It is interesting to see what works and what doesn’t. For me, it seems that keeping things a little personal works.

Have you ever taken a few minutes to evaluate your articles? What types of articles work best for you?

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  1. Veronica Solorzano Athanasiou says:

    Dear Christine,

    I am a big fan of analysing things, so this article – as your number 4 above – is my ‘cup of tea’. But, in my opinion, reflecting on how things work is not a popular subject. Will be interesting to see how THIS one does. I seem to have read all of the above, you hooked me from the very beginning, it seems.

    Thank you for your great work and hope to keep reading it and learning from your insights.

    1. Veronica,
      You are so sweet and again, have made my day! Now that you say that, the other reflection articles I’ve done haven’t been my most popular ones either. Very interesting. Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. Right now the best articles that work for my blog are tutorials broken down in small steps that are easy to digest. The most popular seems to be a series of blog articles about adding your blog to your Facebook page.

    Thanks for sharing your experience, Christine!

    1. Delia,
      I think you are right on, articles that take an overwhelming project and make them simple and easy are always a great bet. Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. Lorii Abela says:

    Christine, I love this moment of reflection. With social media, you need to do a ton of things. However, this is great that you can take a moment and evaluate what worked and what did not. How often do you do this?

    1. Lorii,
      I probably don’t reevaluate enough. However, I agree with you it is very valuable. Thank you so much for sharing. 🙂

  4. I’ve found that the articles that work best for me are ones that I talk about personal experiences….either with a product or my personal life. When it is something from my personal life, I also explain how and what I did to overcome the issue, provide motivation and steps. It’s NOT just about me. 🙂 I love what I do, coaching women over 50 so sharing comes natural to me. This is such a wonderful topic idea! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Alexandra,
      It’s wonderful to hear how much you love what you do. I think a personal touch along with great content is the stuff that makes blog articles great. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Designer Rob Russo says:

    This is a great idea, to review the past articles that have resonated most with our readers… If only there was one golden template we could follow to guarantee success each and every time…

    1. Rob,
      I agree that a golden template would be amazing and if you ever find it, sent it my way. 🙂

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